Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Toodles 2010, Hello 2011

I'm late, its the 5th of January and yet here I sit writing now!

Its not like anyone ever reads this blog though, so I'm going to assume its okay. And if you just happened to be reading this, then I'm so sorry!

2010 was filled with all kinds of good and bad memories, some I would like ot forget, and some that I would like to cherish forever. I'll probably still remember the memories I want to forget though, just because in each memory there was a lesson to learned. I learned the lesson in most cases I think...

I had huge ups and downs in 2010, and I think that made me stronger. Being sixteen doesn't make life any easier, and having the classes I do doesn't make being sixteen any easier. But what can a girl do? Its not like someone's going to come, be rich, handsome, and perfect, whisk me off my feet, take me and marry me, and let me live a life of comfort forever! I have to strive towards all that wonderful stuff! And so I did, I ran like a crazy woman during 2010 getting my life "together".

I know now that last year was a disaster though. It was successful in a way that I learned a lot and realized a lot about myself, but the methods I used to go about learning these lessons were none too pleasant. Still, I learned, and to me that counts as something. Maybe not a BIG something, but a something none-the-less!

2011 stared on a rough foot though, the guy I liked moved on the 2nd. I fell and hit my bum on the ice and got a bruise and pain so bad that my father had to carry me home. Interesting yes? Then I realized I hadn't done a ton of homework and school started on the 3rd! Life is just blissful yes? I had a stumble-start this year... But I'm pretty sure things will get better; they normally do.

And so here's to a farwell to 2010, and  a warm welcome to 2011. Let this be a year full of joyous memories, lessons that aren't too painful, and everlasting love and friendship!

The Asian Teen,


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